Tuesday, December 24, 2013


The Moderate Voice

2016 Republican Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin professes to have at least a passing interest in slavery.
But more than that, the founder of Palinism (pronounced like “Stalinism”) claims to be upset that America is borrowing money to ward off a ballooning budget deficit.
Obviously Ms. Palin hasn’t read Warren Mosler’s Modern Monetary Theory.
Because Sarah Says:
1)      she doesn’t want U.S. to borrow money from China;
2)       doesn’t want U.S. to run a budget deficit
3)      doesn’t want U.S. to … [you fill in the blank]
But what then does Sarah want us to do?
That is about as easy to predict as the next winner of “Dancing With The Stars.”
When Alaska had a budget deficit, what did the Mother of All DWTS contestants do?
Mayor Palin instituted a wildly successful two percent sales tax that not only balanced the budget – but produced a surplus – like the one President Clinton presided over nationally in the 1990’s.
Now that the shoes are off of each of her other feet – not to say that she is an advocate of a “barefoot and pregnant” Occasionalist philosophy – but one of her daughters surely was – where are the “better ideas” to lead us forward in this 21st Century?
If the lights are on in Sarah Palin’s house: does that mean that somebody is home?
If Sarah doesn’t have any good new ideas, how about some old ones?
It might be old hat for Lady Nome if she were to pick up the national sales tax ball and run with it again. But no more income tax returns - no more IRS? If you're going to go rogue negative - that's where it's at.
Ms. Palin is familiar with the concept, after all, it helped her as an Alaska mayor to cut property taxes in Wassily 75% while totally eliminating personal property and business inventory taxes.
The result: that Alaskan city was able to pay all of its bills and still build new bike paths and a storm water treatment center.
Those are the kind of aggressive, thinking-out-of-the-hot-box ideas that made Missus Sarah such an attractive Vice Presidental Candidate for Sen. John McCain.
This graduate of a Moscow (Idaho) University is some kind of smart cookie; so why all the progressive name calling as the G.O.P.’s most kinetic lightning rod?
Well there's no denying that the “rogue” candidate has been a busy bee - by the way Sarah does support sex education (birds and the bees) in the public schools – as long as it is paired with talk of abstinence: She has:
1)      written a best-selling book (currently on tour)
2)      toured India on a Mumbai newspaper’s dime
See Sarah go!
Oh, the places she’ll go! (If someone else is paying.)
But what is it that Sarah does again?
We all know we won’t see her on the NEW! and Improved! Martin Bashir Show on Al-Jazeera America.
Is picking political sticks and stones fights really what you’re best at, Sarah?
Be mindful of your power, woman.
Listen to the Force within you, Luke-ess.
After all, Palin has the national stage and is using her bully pulpit for knee-jerk conservative reactions – the svelte Svengali is in perfect lock step with Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly – or as we know them – the Four Horsemen of the Ghosts of Christmas Past Apocalypse.
But as one of Time magazine’s one hundred “Most Influential People in the World” winners, I am hoping Sarah will break the Fox News yoke and use her considerable talents try to make the world a better place, rather than just better inform us of future prime-time television events.
Remember your past Palin!
Otherwise we are doomed to repeat it on YouTube re-runs..
You can be the Proud Mother (p.m.) of the Dancing With The Stars” alma mater (a.m.) of your daughter – or you can be a stirring firebrand of intellectual discussion of the national issues that affect U.S. all.
Ronald Reagan gave U.S. a.m. (morning) in America; don't give U.S. p.m. (no Jobs, nacht mourning) in America.
The choice is yours.
You are not a slave.
Remember what Brother Bob Marley said.
Free yourself from mental slavery, Sarah.
That is – if you want to.
As master of your own mind, you’re the only one who can.
Or you can just stay where you are – in Nowhere, Alaska.
Or help women purchase “Rape Insurance” in Michigan.
Or run for (or from) the Senate in Scottsdale, Arizona.
It’s snowing in Alaska right now. Looks like it will be another White Christmas. So dress warm, Sarah.
Meanwhile I’ll check with TV Guide to see what’s on next, while you roast up some chestnuts.

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